Why I Understand Your Health Insurance Needs: My Personal Journey

Life’s unexpected challenges can sometimes lead us on a journey that shapes our purpose. My journey into the world of health insurance advocacy started not in an office, but in a hospital room, facing fears that no parent should ever have to endure. This experience drives my commitment to ensuring that no one feels unsupported when dealing with health insurance.

The Early Days

When my son Logan was born, we were thrust into uncertainty. He was diagnosed with a rare congenital skin condition called Congenital Cape Nevus, which covered his back from shoulder to diaper line in a deep, dark pigment. The words of our pediatrician still echo in my mind, “We need to act quickly.” Those words marked the beginning of our relentless journey through the healthcare system.

The Diagnosis and Decisions

At just two months old, Logan underwent his first of many procedures. Despite the relief that the nevus was not malignant, the risk of it turning cancerous with exposure to UV rays loomed over us. The best pediatric plastic surgeons counseled us, leading us far from home to Chicago, where Logan would undergo tissue expansion surgeries. It was a grueling process, involving saline bags implanted to stretch new skin, which would then be used to replace areas of the nevus.

Continuous Challenges

Logan was just six months old when he faced his first surgery. Over the next two and a half years, he bravely underwent seven surgeries. Each procedure required a stay at the Ronald McDonald House to ensure there were no post-operative complications. The physical and emotional toll on him, and the entire family, was immense.

Throughout it all, we battled with insurance companies. Every procedure, though crucial to reducing Logan’s risk of cancer, was deemed elective by our insurance provider. This labeling added a financial burden to our already heavy emotional load. The struggle to have necessary treatments recognized and covered under our plan was exhausting and disheartening.


Now, as Logan thrives as a 20-year-old, my passion for health insurance advocacy has never been stronger. I share our story not just to connect on a personal level but to emphasize why I fiercely advocate for my clients. I understand the complexities and frustrations that come with navigating health insurance because I lived them. My experience has endowed me with not just knowledge, but a profound empathy and a resolve to ensure that my clients are never alone in their health insurance journey.

If you’re looking for more than just an agent—if you need an advocate who understands personally the stakes involved—reach out to me. Together, we can ensure you and your loved ones are protected.


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